Supporting graphics cards is a piority in Bliss OS, as getting hardware acceleration is very important to the Android experience
Unsupported GPUs can try software rendering solution.
For Gralloc and HWC, the default Gralloc we are using is gbm_gralloc, and HWC is drmfb-composer. Here are sources of them and others that we are using :
gbm_gralloc : https://github.com/BlissRoms-x86/gbm_gralloc
(this include gbm/gbm_nohack/gbm_noscanout)
drmfb-composer : https://github.com/BlissRoms-x86/drmfb-composer
minigbm : https://github.com/supremegamers/minigbm
(this include minigbm/minigbm_gbm_mesa/minigbm_arcvm)
drm_hwcomposer : https://github.com/supremegamers/drm_hwcomposer